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Severe hypokalaemia requiring hospitalisation was uncommon with indapamide

Indapamide: A Safe Treatment for Hypertension with Low Risk of Severe Hypokalaemia

Diuretics are commonly used for the treatment of hypertension. Yet, hypokalaemia is a well-recognized adverse effect. This is a large real-world study (147,319 person-years of follow-up) assessing the incidence of severe hypokalemia in patients treated with indapamide.

According to this recent study, hospitalization due to severe hypokalaemia among hypertensive patients treated with indapamide is rare, occurring at a rate of only 3.5 per 1000 person-years. However, the risk is higher in women and during the initial weeks and months of therapy, but this risk can be reduced by using the sustained-release formulation of indapamide. The study also found that indapamide is a safe and effective treatment for hypertension, even in elderly patients

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Lin Z, Cheung BMY, Tang V, Tsoi MF. Incidence of severe hypokalaemia in patients taking indapamide. Intern Emerg Med. 2023 Mar;18²:549-557. doi: 10.1007/s11739-023-03209-8. Epub 2023 Jan 30. PMID: 36715848.
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