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Exercise and Heart in Tune

A new article published in June 2023 highlights the importance of physical exercise as a key component of a healthy lifestyle and has been consistently associated with reduced rates of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Regular exercise is a central recommendation in the international guidelines for the management of CVD, which distinguish the types of exercise:

Strength training has predominantly musculoskeletal benefits and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and some types of cancer; it is specifically recommended for improving physical functioning and glycemic control.

Resistance exercise effectively improves cardiorespiratory fitness, reduces subcutaneous fat mass, and lowers CVD risk.

The UCC-SMART group from the Netherlands and Germany showed, in >8000 patients, that time spent exercising is the most important determinant of exercise benefits, achieving similar results with different types and intensities of exercise. The most interesting thing about this article is that in well-treated patients with CVD, physical exercise improved traditional cardiovascular risk factors by 38%, especially inflammation and insulin resistance.

In the month of September improve your quality of life! In recognition of World Heart Day on September 29, Servier addresses the importance of a healthy lifestyle approach to the prevention and control of cardiovascular disease.

European Heart Journal Open, Volume 3, Issue 3, May 2023, oead057,

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A new article published in June 2023 highlights the importance of physical exercise as a key component of a healthy lifestyle and has been consistently associated with reduced rates of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease (CVD).

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