Chronic Venous Disease (CVD), a progressive disease with increasing prevalence that needs to be taken seriously.
Chronic Venous Disease (CVD) is a prevalent condition that tends to worsen with age. Patients initially seek treatment to relieve symptoms of leg pain, discomfort, heaviness, and swelling, all of which impact their quality of life.
As the disease increases in severity to include varicose veins, skin changes, and venous ulcers, the demand for treatment increases while the quality of life further diminishes.
The prevalence of CVD is highest in Western countries where it already consumes up to 2% of healthcare budgets. With the aging of the global population, the prevalence of CVD is projected to increase substantially, foretelling unsustainably large increases in the healthcare resources and costs needed to treat CVD patients in the coming decades.
Effective venoactive drug treatments and ablation procedures are available that provide symptom relief, improve quality of life, slow disease progression, and promote ulcer healing. In addition, venoactive drug treatments may be highly cost-effective.
However, there is evidence that physician awareness of CVD is suboptimal and that many patients with CVD are not being treated or referred to specialists according to established guidelines. To decrease this treatment gap and prevent unnecessary disease progression, international guidelines are available to help physicians consider CVD treatment options and refer patients when warranted. Improved disease awareness and appropriate early treatment may help reduce the coming burden of CVD.
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