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A new solution to revive the metabolic power of the heart for CCS patients

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For the first time ever in anti-anginal management, SERVIER developed a more powerful, easy to take, once daily capsule formulation!1 Trimetazidine has been shown to be efficacious for angina treatment. Trimetazidine is now available as a new formulation of 80 mg allowing once-daily (OD) intake. The ODA (Anti-anginal effectiveness and tolerability of trimetazidine modified release 80 mg Once Daily in stable Angina patients in real-world practice) study assessed in a real-life setting the effectiveness and tolerability of Trimetazidine 80mg OD, as well as patient adherence to antianginal treatment, in chronic stable angina patients with persistent symptoms despite therapy. Here in, we report an additional analysis of the ODA study, in patients initiating treatment with Trimetazidine 80 mg OD and in patients switching to Trimetazidine 80 mg OD from previous treatment with Trimetazidine. By adding Trimetazidine 80mg OD from the beginning to a Beta-Blocker, you will revive the metabolic power of the heart of your symptomatic patients with chronic coronary syndrome and guarantee them: Faster and superior angina relief1 Unique increase in exercise capacity and Ejection fraction1 Better adherence1 With this new medicine, adherence and optimal dosage are finally guaranteed!

SCAC 01/22 DM 106 SERVIER–For the exclusive use of the health care professionals

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