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The challenge of hemorrhoidal treatment: Treat the crisis and prevent its recurrences

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Did you know that 60% of the patients not treated correctly will suffer from recurrences?

Dr. Wendy Elena, Specialist in Coloproctology from El Salvador explains why it is so crucial to treat hemorroidal disease correctly from the first symptoms and signs to avoid patients from suffering from new painful hemorrhoidal crises.

The NEW Daflon 1000 36-tablet Box in Hemorrhoidal Disease is the only right path for all patients suffering from Hemorrrhoidal Disease. With only 2 Boxes of The NEW Daflon 1000 36 tablets in Hemorrhoidal Disease you treat Hemorrhoidal Disease and prevent its recurrences, thanks to its:

  • Powerfull venous anti-inflammatory action
  • Rapid and superior relief of pain and bleeding
  • Easier dose to take
Misra MC, Parshad R Randomized clinical trial of micronized flavonoids in the early control of bleeding from acute internal haemorrhoids Br J Surg 2000 Jul 87 7 868 72 doi 10 1046 /j 1365 2168 2000 01448 x PMID\n10931020
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